Understanding the potential impact of Private School VAT on the UK education system

Understanding the potential impact of Private School VAT on the UK education system

The UK education landscape is facing a significant shift with the government’s recent decision to impose VAT on private school fees, a policy change that could reshape the cost and accessibility of private education. This move is likely to lead to a sharp increase in tuition fees, pushing many families to explore alternative educational routes such as private tuition, either online or at home.

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Course or tuition - what's better?

Course or tuition - what's better?

I have been a tutor for over 10 years and am a huge advocate for how beneficial 1:1 tuition can be.

Recently, I discovered the power of learning in small groups with a trained and experienced tutor. I found exam results were starkly better and the amount of time a student needs to take out to cover the syllabus is much less, taking the pressure off their already busy lives.

Here are the benefits of helping your child with a course rather than year-long tuition:

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